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For more details on the leagues listed below, such as league duration, time slots, and other general league information, check out our League Play page.

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Leagues and Tournaments Dates Cost  
Tournament of Champions (TOC) August 1 $40 per team Tourney Closed
League Skill Levels

Attention all Players! Based on your feedback, we are now asking you to indicate what your Cornhole skill level is when signing up. We will do our best to schedule teams to play against other teams of the same skill level during regular season play.

We have devised an ingenious system that breaks down skill level into three categories:

1. Experienced "Hey man...What's your record?"
This classification applies to our more seasoned veteran teams. These players are pretty darn good...and by darn good, I mean really good.
2. Intermediate "Eh, two out of three ain't bad"
This classification applies to those teams that may not sweep their way to the ChicagoCornhole Cup, but can certainly hold their own.
3. Recreational "There any drink specials tonight?"
Although it would appear that this classification would apply to every team in our leagues, it is meant to apply to those that are simply out to enjoy a little Cornhole amongst friends. Maybe they've never played, or maybe they play all the time and never win...whatever.
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